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Wishing everyone, Happy Dhanteras

Dhanteras, also known as Dhanatrayodashi or Dhanvantari Trayodashi, is a Hindu festival which derives its name from two Sanskrit words: “dhan” meaning wealth, and “teras” which means the 13th day.

Dhanteras is a Hindu festival celebrated on the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight of Kartik.

Dhanteras marks the beginning of the five-day-long festival of Diwali.

It is believed that on this day, Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, descends to Earth.

Happy Dhanteras 2023

Dhanteras is a time to celebrate wealth and prosperity and to give thanks for the blessings of the past year.

On Dhanteras, devotees believe and worship the Lord of Wealth Kuber and Goddess Devi Lakshmi to bring wealth and prosperity.

As per Hindu traditions, purchasing gold, silver, precious stones, ornaments, coins and utensils on Dhanteras is very auspicious. It bestows good luck and brings riches and abundance in the lives of the natives.

Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘Happy Dhanteras.’ May you enjoy the festivities and share your joy with your loved ones, friends, relatives et el.

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Happy Karwa Chauth

Karwa Chauth is a celebration of marriage, in which the wife fasts for the full day, in order to be blessed with a long and healthy life for her husband. It is mostly observed in the northern region of the country.

It is observed during the Hindu month of Kartik during Krishna Paksha Chaturthi.

The word Karwa Chauth is made up of two words, ‘Karwa,’ which means an earthen pot with a spout and ‘Chauth’ which means fourth. The earthen pot is of great significance as it is used by the women to offer water to the moon as part of the festival rituals.

The festival is also observed by unmarried women who pray in the hope of securing a desired life partner.

It is a one-day festival celebrated annually by married Hindu women in which they observe a fast from sunrise to moon-rise and pray for the well-being and longevity of their husbands.

The festival entails keeping a ‘Nirjala’ fast in which women neither eat nor take a drop of water throughout the day and prayers are offered to the Goddess Gauri, an incarnation of Parvati, who bestows blessings for a long and happy married life.

It is said that this festival began when women started praying for the safe return of their husbands who went to fight wars in far off lands.

It is also held that it is celebrated to mark the end of the harvest season. Whatever be the origins, the festival offers an occasion to strengthen familial ties.

Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘Happy Karwa Chauth

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Wishing everyone, Happy Dussehra

This year, Dussehra is being celebrated on 24th October and this day signifies the end of Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights.

For ages, Dussehra has been the festival, that celebrates the truimph of good over evil. One of the main festivals in India, which people celebrate with much fervour and joy.

The word Dussehra is derived from dasha, which means ‘ten’ and hara, which means ‘defeat’ in Sanskrit.

Also known as Vijayadashmi, Dussehra is observed, when Lord Ram defeated the demon king Ravana and Goddess Durga saved everyone from the evil hands of Demon Mahisasura.

Happy Dussehra Wishes 2023

Dussehra or Vijayadashami is widely celebrated all over India with great enthusiasm and fanfare. In many places, the effigies of Ravana, Meghnad and Kumbhakaran are burnt to celebrate the triumph of good over evil.

In eastern parts of India, the statues of Maa Durga are carried and immersed into the Ganga river and married women play and put sindoor over each other while wearing the famous, traditional red and white color saree also known as lal-paad saree.

The festival marks the beginning of the preparation for Diwali and is also considered to be an auspicious day to commence anything new and meaningful.

Today is the time to celebrate the victory of Humanity, Justice and Truth. Today is time to emit the power of good and positive energy to your near and dear ones!!

Team Blossom Inc wishes you and your loved ones a very Happy Dussehra.!!

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Shardiya Navratri Wishes : Nineth day of auspicious festivities !! 

An auspicious occasion of #Navratri  – Today is the Nineth Day!! 

Fondly called as “Maha-Navami

Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights, has come to instill new confidence in us. 

We wish this festival lead us from ignorance to wisdom and from darkness to light. 

Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day9
Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day9

May Maa Durga bestow upon you and your family nine forms of blessings –

  • Fame, 
  • Name, 
  • Wealth, 
  • Prosperity, 
  • Happiness, 
  • Education, 
  • Health, 
  • Power, 
  • Commitment. 

 Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘a very Happy Navratri‘ 

|| जय माँ सिद्धिदात्री ।।

|| सिध्दगंधर्वयक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि । सेव्यमाना यदा भूयात् सिध्दिदा सिध्दिदायनी ।।

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Shardiya Navratri Wishes : Eighth day of auspicious festivities !! 

An auspicious occasion of #Navratri  – Today is the Eighth Day!! 

Fondly called as “Durgashtami

Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights, has come to instill new confidence in us. 

We wish this festival lead us from ignorance to wisdom and from darkness to light. 

Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day8
Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day8

May Maa Durga bestow upon you and your family nine forms of blessings- 

  • Fame, 
  • Name, 
  • Wealth, 
  • Prosperity, 
  • Happiness, 
  • Education, 
  • Health, 
  • Power, 
  • Commitment. 

Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘a very Happy Navratri‘ 

|| जय माँ महागौरी ।।

|| श्वेत वृषे समारूढ़ा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः | महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेवपप्रमोददा ।।

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Shardiya Navratri Wishes : Seventh day of auspicious festivities !! 

An auspicious occasion of #Navratri  – Today is the Seventh Day!! 

Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights, has come to instill new confidence in us. 

We wish this festival lead us from ignorance to wisdom and from darkness to light. 

Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day7
Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day7

May Maa Durga bestow upon you and your family nine forms of blessings- 

  • Fame, 
  • Name, 
  • Wealth, 
  • Prosperity, 
  • Happiness, 
  • Education, 
  • Health, 
  • Power, 
  • Commitment. 

Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘a very Happy Navratri‘ 

||   माँ कालरात्रि ।।​

||  एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नग्ना खरास्थिता । लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्तशरीरिणी ।।​

   वामपादोल्लसल्लोहलताकण्टक भूषणा । वर्धन्मूर्धध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयंकरी  ।।

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Tech Talk ! Explore Zyxel Wireless Solutions, Management Platforms, and PoE Switch Selection webinar….

Dear all, 

I would like to extend an invitation to an upcoming webinar that will cover the wireless products and the array of management platforms available to cater to these networks. The Ideal Solution to Upgrade Your Network with Extensibility and Resilience. The webinar is scheduled for October 20th, 2023, at 4:00 PM.  

To attend the webinar, all they need to do is register using the link provided below:

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Shardiya Navratri Wishes : Sixth day of auspicious festivities !! 

An auspicious occasion of #Navratri  – Today is the Sixth Day!! 

Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights, has come to instill new confidence in us. 

We wish this festival lead us from ignorance to wisdom and from darkness to light. 

Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day6
Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day6

May Maa Durga bestow upon you and your family nine forms of blessings- 

  • Fame, 
  • Name, 
  • Wealth, 
  • Prosperity, 
  • Happiness, 
  • Education, 
  • Health, 
  • Power, 
  • Commitment. 

Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘a very Happy Navratri‘ 

||   माँ कात्यायनी ।।​

|| चन्द्रहासोज्जवलकरा शार्दूलावरवाहना । कात्यायनी शुभं दद्यादेवी दानवद्यातिनी ।। 

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Shardiya Navratri Wishes : Fifth day of auspicious festivities !! 

An auspicious occasion of #Navratri  – Today is the Fifth Day!! 

Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights, has come to instill new confidence in us. 

We wish this festival lead us from ignorance to wisdom and from darkness to light. 

Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day5
Happy Shardiya Navratri 2023 Wishes Day5

May Maa Durga bestow upon you and your family nine forms of blessings- 

  • Fame, 
  • Name, 
  • Wealth, 
  • Prosperity, 
  • Happiness, 
  • Education, 
  • Health, 
  • Power, 
  • Commitment. 

Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘a very Happy Navratri‘ 

||   माँ स्कंदमाता  ।।​

||  सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माञ्चितकरद्वया । शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी ।। 

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Shardiya Navratri Wishes : Fourth day of auspicious festivities !! 

An auspicious occasion of #Navratri  – Today is the Fourth Day!! 

Navratri, the festival of nine days and nine nights, has come to instill new confidence in us. 

We wish this festival lead us from ignorance to wisdom and from darkness to light. 


May Maa Durga bestow upon you and your family nine forms of blessings- 

  • Fame, 
  • Name, 
  • Wealth, 
  • Prosperity, 
  • Happiness, 
  • Education, 
  • Health, 
  • Power, 
  • Commitment. 

Team Blossom Inc wishes all their customers, partners, system integrators and resellers, ‘a very Happy Navratri‘ 

||  माँ कूष्मांडा ।।​

||  सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रूधिराप्लुतमेव च । दधानाहस्तपद्याभ्यां कुष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे ।।